Friedrich Georg Schneider
Member of the IIPF Board of Management, 2017–2022
Status of CV: for elections, March 2017Education
Bachelor of Economics, Bachelor of Political Science (both at the University of Konstanz, 1972). Diplom Volkswirt (Master of Economics), University of Konstanz, 1973. Dr.rer.soc. (Ph.D. in Economics), University of Konstanz, 1976. Post-doctorate degree (Habilitation enabling holders to compete for a full professorships ("Chair" in Europe)), University of Zürich, 1983; Honorary Ddoctorate: University of Lima (Peru) January 2003, University of Stuttgart (Germany) February 2003.
Present Positions
Since 1986, Professor of Economics ("Chair" in Economic Policy and Public Finance, tenured position), Department of Economics, Johannes Kepler University of Linz, Austria;
Since 2006, Research Professor at the Dept. of International Economics, German Institute for Economic Research (DIW Berlin), Berlin, Germany.
Past Positions
1983 -1984 Visiting Associate Professor, GSIA, Carnegie (Mellon University, Pittsburgh, USA.);
1984 - 1985 Associate Professor of Economics, (tenured position), Institute of Economics, Aarhus University, Aarhus, Denmark;
1987 - 1987 Visiting Professor, La Trobe University, Melbourne, Australia;
1994 - 1995 Visiting Professor, University of Saarbrücken, Saarbrücken, Germany;
1991 - 1996 Dean of Social Science and Economic Faculty of the Johannes Kepler University;
1997 - 1999 President of the Austrian Economic Association;
1996 - 2007
Vice-President for Foreign Affairs of the Johannes-Kepler-University of Linz, Austria;
2005 - 2008 President of the German Economic Association (Verein für Socialpolitik);
2013 Visiting Professor, Otago University, New Zealand;
2013 - 2016 Chairman of the Academic Advisory Board of the Zeppelin University, Friedrichshafen, Germany
Selected Publications
Current Issues in Public Choice, 1996, Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar, Editors: José Casas Pardo and Friedrich Schneider
Articles in scientific journals:
Free Riding and Collective Action: A Laboratory Experiment in Public Microeconomics, The Quarterly Journal of Economics, 95/4, 1981, pp. 689?704 (together with Werner W. Pommerehne);
Economic Theory of Choice and the Preference Reversal Phenomenon: A Reexamination, American Economic Review, 72/3, 1982, pp. 569?574 (together with Werner W. Pommerehne and Peter Zweifel);
The Development of the Shadow Economy Under Changing Tax Systems and Structures: Some Theoretical and Empirical Results for Austria, In: Finanzarchiv, 50/3, 1993, p. 343-369, (together with Reinhard Neck);
Deficits, Bailout and Free Riders: Fiscal Elements of a European Constitution, Special Issue Kyklos, 1994, Heft 3, pp. 221-240;
Tragic Choices and Collective Decision-Making: An Empirical Study of Voter Preferences for Alternative Collective Decision-Making Mechanisms, In: The Economic Journal, (1997), (together with Werner W. Pommerehne and Albert Hart);
The Shadow Economies of Western Europe, Economic Affairs 17/3, September 1997, pp.42.48;
Zunehmende Schwarzarbeit - Eine wirtschafts- und staatspolitische Herausforderung? Volkswirt-schaftliche Korrespondenz der Adolf Weber Stiftung 5/99, München, 1999;
No Chance for Incentive-oriented Environmental Policies in Representative Democracies?, Ecological Economics, 1999;
Shadow Economies: Sizes, Causes, and Consequences (together with Dominik Enste), Journal of Economic Literature, Vol. 38/1 March 2000, pp. 77-114;
The Bundesbank's Reaction to Policy Conflicts (together with Helge Berger), in: Jakob de Haan (eds.): 50 Years of Bundesbank: Lessons for the ECB, London: Routledge, 2000, pp. 43-66;
Subsidiarity, federalism and direct democracy: Major elements of a federal European constitution: First ideas using constitutional eonomics (together with Alexander Wagner), in: Ram Mudambi, Giuseppi Sobbrio and Pietro Navarra (eds.): Rules and reasons: Perspectives on constitutional political economy, Cambridge (Mass.), Cambridge University Press, 2001;
Informal and Underground Economy (together with Bruno S. Frey), In: International Encyclopedia of Social and Behavioral Science, Bd. 12 Economics, herausgegeben von Orley Ashenfelter, Amsterdam: Elsevier Science Publishing Company, 2001;
State and Local Taxation (together with Lars P. Feld), In: International Encyclopedia of Social and Behavioral Science, Bd. 12 Economics, herausgegeben von Orley Ashenfelter, Amsterdam: Elsevier Science Publishing Company, 2001
Articles in edited volumes and readers:
The Design of a Minimal European Federal Union: Some Ideas Using the Public Choice Approach, In: Current Issues in Public Choice, Jose C. Pardo and Friedrich Schneider (eds.), Cheltenham, UK, Edward Elgar, 1996, p.203-220;
Informal Underground Economy (together with Bruno S. Frey), In: International Encyclopedia of Social and Behavioral Science, (2000).
Grundzüge der föderalen Finanzverfassung aus ökonomischer Perspektive: Trennsystem vs. Mischsystem (together with Thomas Lenk) In: Hans-Jörg Schmidt-Trenz and Matthias Fonger (eds.), Bürgerföderalismus: Zukunftsfähige Maßstäbe für den bundesdeutschen Finanzausgleich, Baden-Baden: Nomos-Verlagsgesellschaft, 2000, pp. 63-86;
Korporatismus im Europäischen Vergleich: Förderung makroökonomischer Rahmenbedingungen? (together with Alexaner F. Wagner), in: Arbeitsgemeinschaft für wissenschaftliche Wirtschaftspolitik (eds.), Internationale Unternehmenskonzentration: Konsequenzen für den Standort Österreich, Wien: ÖGB-Verlag, 2000, pp. 97-126;
A first draft of six major elements of an European Constitution: Some thoughts using political economy, in: Paul J. J. Welfens: Economic globalization and International Organizations and Crisis Management, Heidelberg: Springer publishing company, 2000, pp. 185-207;
Von Toronto über Kyoto nach Buenos Aires - und dann? Ein ökonomischer Beitrag zu den Problemen der internationalen Umwelt(Klimaschutz-)politik, in: Alfred Reuter (eds.): 2. Internationale Energiesymposium in Ossiach, Schriftenreihe Forschung im Verbund, Ossiach, Februar 2000, pp. 221-240;
The Interaction of Taxes, Transfers and Growing Shadow Economies - What are the Causes? An Empirical (Public Choice Orientated) Analysis, in: Hans-Georg Petersen and Patrick Gallagher (eds.): Australia Centre Series Vol. 3, Tax and Transfer Reform in Australia and Germany, Berlin: Berliner Debatte Wissenschaftsverlag, 2000, pp. 319-350;
Some Elements of a European Federal Union: A Public Choice Approach, in: Chrystal, A.K. and Pinnmont-Rea, R. (eds.) Public Choice Analysis of Economic Policy, London: McMillan Publishing Company, 2000, pp. 149-170.