2025 Annual Congress of the IIPF
The 81st Annual Congress of the International Institute of Public Finance (IIPF) will be held at the United States International University - Africa in Nairobi, Kenya, from August 20-22, 2025.
The theme of the keynote speeches - to be delivered by Rema Hanna, Niels Johannesen, Ravi Kanbur and Oyebola Okunogbe - is "Public Sector Capacities".
Prospective contributors, both practitioners and academics, are invited to submit papers on any topic within the field of public economics.
Selected papers from the 2025 IIPF Congress will be published in a special issue of International Tax and Public Finance.
The Scientific Committee is chaired by Prof. François Gerard (University College London, UK) and Dr. Shafik Hebous (International Monetary Fund, USA).
The Local Organizing Committee is chaired by Prof. Amos Njuguna (United States International University, Kenya) and Prof. Dina Pomeranz (University of Zurich, Switzerland).
The deadline for submissions is February 15, 2025 (midnight, EAT).
Please consult the Call for Papers and the congress website for further information.
Congress announcement flyer (400 KB)
Call for Papers (full size, 9 MB) / Call for Papers (reduced, 1.3 MB)
Congress website
Submission website (ConfTool)
Submission fee payment
2026 Annual Congress of the IIPF
The IIPF Board of Management and General Assembly of Members, at their meetings during the Annual Congress 2024 in Prague, Czechia, decided to hold the Annual Congress 2026 in Lisbon, Portugal (third week in August).