Privacy Policy
The following information is provided in accordance with the BDSG stipulations in § 4 g:
1. Name of the responsible centre
International Institute of Public Finance e.V.
2. Executive Committee
President: James R. Hines Jr.
Vice Presidents: Claus Thustrup Kreiner and Sara LaLumia
3. Commissioned director of data processing
Barbara Hebele
4. Address of responsible centre
Poschingerstraße 5
81679 Munich, Germany
5. Purpose of data collection, processing or use
Implementation of personal data storage and processing for purposes of
administering IIPF membership data and IIPF Annual Congress participant
Data from service recipients
7. Recipients or recipient categories who can receive the data
8. Standard time limits for the deletion of data
Germany's legislative branch has issued many data storage obligations and time
limits. These obligations and time limits are wholly adhered to and, after the expiration of these time limits, the relevant data is
routinely deleted when it is not required for the completion of tasks.
Provided that data is not touched by this, it is deleted when the purposes
named in 5 cease to apply.
9. Planned data transfer to third countries
A transfer of data to third countries is not planned.
Status: 24 August 2024